12 companies from Guangzhou High-tech Zone were selected as the Provincial-level Industrial Design Centres

Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province announced the sixth selected list of provincial-level industrial design centres. A total of 19 companies in Guangzhou were selected. Huangpu District and Guangzhou High-tech Zone have 12 companies selected, which are the first in quantity among all districts in Guangzhou city.

At present, Huangpu District and Guangzhou High-tech Zone have cultivated 4 national-level industrial design centres, 38 provincial-level industrial design centres, and 56 municipal-level industrial design centres. Industrial design has become an important factor in improving the quality and efficiency of the regional industrial economy and ensuring high quality. A new engine of development that has achieved remarkable results in driving and empowering the development of the manufacturing industry.

As the "big brother of industry" in Guangzhou, Huangpu District and Guangzhou High-tech Zone have been actively promoting the integrated development of industrial design and manufacturing, building a national new industrialization industry demonstration base (industrial design) with high standards, and making every effort to create a new industrialization industry cluster.

Rapid industrial development

Guangzhou High-tech Zone has formed five major hundred-billion-level industrial clusters including automobile manufacturing, new-gen displays, green energy, new materials, and health-beauty, and three major ten-billion-level industrial clusters including biotechnology and advanced equipment. The "trillion-level manufacturing" ecosystem represented by biomedical and new energy vehicles has been initiated.

In terms of the new generation information technology industry, Guangzhou High-tech Zone has gathered a number of leading display companies such as LG Display, TCL CSOT, and Skyworth.
Focusing on the biomedical industry cluster, Guangzhou International Bio-Island will build the world's top biomedical and biosafety R&D centre.

The automobile manufacturing industry is transforming and upgrading rapidly. Guangzhou Science City has built a traditional automobile manufacturing base; Guangzhou International Bio-Island has built a 5G autonomous driving application demonstration island; Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City has concentrated a number of intelligent networked automobile projects such as Baidu Apollo and Xpeng Motors.

The momentum of innovation and technology

Guangzhou High-tech Zone is building a "2+3+N" strategic science and technology innovation platform cluster, concentrating more than 1,000 scientific research institutions in various sectors, with 1/2 of the high-level innovation research institutes in Guangdong province, and accounting for half of the Guangzhou city's provincial-level new-tech R&D institutions.

Guangzhou High-tech Zone has concentrated more than 40,000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises. Including 3,500+ government recognized high-tech enterprises, and 100+ national-level special new "little giants". All the counterparts thrive in the region.

Strong supportive policies

Guangzhou High-tech Zone has issued a series of national-leading innovative supportive policies for enterprises, such as "30 measures for high-quality development ", "10 measures for low-altitude flying” and "10 measures for metaverse", to encourage enterprises to innovate in technology and promote the synergy interactions.

According to the "Measures for Promoting the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries in Guangzhou Development Zone and Guangzhou Huangpu District", Guangzhou High-tech Zone will provide one-time grants of 2 million RMB, 1 million RMB, and 500 thousand RMB to industrial design centres recognized by the nation, Guangdong province, and Guangzhou city respectively.

Next, Huangpu District and Guangzhou High-tech Zone will actively play the leading demonstration role of the provincial-level industrial design centre, increase construction, and further enhance design capabilities.

Disclaimer: The original article is published by Weixin public account of Guangzhou High-tech Zone and has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail. The full text of the article, in Chinese, can be found below:

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