Notice of the Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Supervision on Issuing the “Operation Rules for Special Funds in Intellectual Property in Shenzhen Municipality”

On 26 January 2024, the Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Supervision issued the “Operation Rules for Special Funds in Intellectual Property in Shenzhen Municipality” (“the Rules”). The Rules proposed to provide subsidies for domestic and foreign high-end Intellectual Property service agencies. The subsidy standard includes that no more than two foreign high-end Intellectual Property service agencies shall be subsidized each year, and each agency shall be subsidized at RMB500,000. The Rules will be implemented on 10 February 2024 and remain valid for 5 years.

Related Link
Notice of the Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Supervision on Issuing the “Operation Rules for Special Funds in Intellectual Property in Shenzhen Municipality” (Shen Shi Jian Gui [2024] No.5) (in Chinese only)

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