Notice on Publishing the Support Measures for Promoting Artificial Intelligence Development in Nansha District, Guangzhou (SuiNamKaiGuanBanGui [2018] No. 1)

Guangzhou has published a notice regarding promotion of the development of the artificial intelligence ("AI") industry on 24 August 2018. The notice states that top-level management and core technology talents of AI enterprises with annual salary of over RMB 600,000 can have priority to settle in Guangzhou to enjoy benefits for talents. This notice is valid for 4 years from 1 January 2018 onwards.


In order to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry in Nansha district in Guangzhou, the following measures will be implemented:

  1. This measure is targeted at artificial intelligence enterprises engaged in artificial intelligence related products and technologies that conform with Nansha District's envisaged direction.
  2. One-time set up incentive reward: Artificial intelligence enterprises with registered capital of RMB5 million or more that set up in Nansha may apply for a one-time set up incentive reward within 3 years after establishment, maximum incentive reward being RMB20 million.
  3. Scientific Research Subsidy: Artificial intelligence enterprises that construct and operate artificial intelligence laboratories, training centers, experience centers to provide research and development, design production and information and knowledge exchange, subject to approval, may apply for subsidy of 30% of the total construction and investment cost, maximum subsidy not exceeding RMB10 million.
  4. Research and Development Subsidy: Artificial intelligence enterprises that incur research and development expenditures in Nansha district, subject to approval, are entitled to a subsidy of 10% of the previous year's research and development expenditures, maximum subsidy not exceeding RMB100 million.
  5. Office Rental or Purchase Subsidy: Approved artificial intelligence enterprises that rent sites or office space to carry out its operations are entitled to a subsidy not exceeding RMB50 per square meter per month, maximum subsidy not exceeding RMB3 million and the subsidy period is 3 years.

    Artificial intelligence enterprises that purchase office space in Nansha district are entitled to a one-time subsidy of not more than RMB1,000 per square meter, maximum subsidy not exceeding RMB10 million.
  6. Talent Awards: Senior management and talented personnel are entitled to receive awards commensurate to their economic contribution to the Nansha district, subject to satisfying specific criteria.
  7. Economic Contribution Award: Approved artificial intelligence enterprises will be awarded with 95% of its economic contribution to the Nansha district in the first 4 years of establishment.
  8. Financial Support: Subject to approval, angel investors, venture capital and other funds that invest into artificial intelligence enterprises in Nansha district are entitled to certain rewards. Fund management are entitled to a reward of 3% of the fund's actual investment in the enterprise (not exceeding RMB2 million). The artificial intelligence enterprises are entitled to a reward of 7% of the fund's investment (not exceeding RMB10 million).

    Artificial intelligence enterprises that obtain an external bank loan are eligible for a subsidy of 50% of its interest rate. Total subsidies cannot exceed RMB3 million and the subsidy period is 3 years.
  9. Technical Support Award: Approved laboratories, engineering and technology centers, and innovation centers shall be awarded a one-time award of maximum RMB3 million.

Related link
Notice on Publishing the Support Measures for Promoting Artificial Intelligence Development in Nansha District, Guangzhou (Sui Nam Kai Guan Ban Gui [2018] No. 1) (Chinese version only)

