Arrangement for Hong Kong-Macao cross-boundary goods vehicles using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to implement

Source: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region today (August 7) announced the implementation of the arrangement for Hong Kong-Macao cross-boundary goods vehicles using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), following the discussions and agreement made between the governments of Hong Kong and Macao.
The cross-boundary logistics transfer facility at the HZMB Macao Port (the Macao Port transfer facility) will start operation tomorrow (August 8). Hong Kong goods vehicles can transport goods from Hong Kong to the Macao Port transfer facility using the HZMB, as well as transport goods from Macao back to Hong Kong. Macao goods vehicles can transport goods to the logistics facilities at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) via the HZMB, as well as transport goods from Hong Kong back to Macao. This arrangement will provide greater convenience for the trade to transport goods between Hong Kong and Macao. Not only does it facilitate the business development of various industries in Hong Kong, it can also benefit the general public with easier and faster delivery of goods. Besides, the clientele of the logistics facilities of the HKIA can also be expanded with the usage by the Macao goods vehicles.  

The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, said, "The relevant Hong Kong-Macao cross-boundary goods vehicle arrangement is an essential measure conducive to facilitating the exchanges between the two places and within the Greater Bay Area, stimulating the economic activities and enhancing integration. It is also a new important initiative to strengthen the logistics facilities of the two places, thereby bringing more convenience and greater benefits to the cross-boundary goods transportation between Hong Kong and Macao which mainly rely on sea transport currently. The governments of the two places have signed an agreement on the arrangement for Hong Kong-Macao cross-boundary goods vehicles." 

The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, said, "Hong Kong goods vehicles going to the Macao Port transfer facility via the HZMB will enjoy an exemption of the Macao business tax registration and taxes for vehicle circulation; and Hong Kong drivers are also exempted from obtaining the Macao driving licence. The initial daily cap for Hong Kong goods vehicles travelling to Macao is set at around 400 trips.

The Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Liu Chun-san, today visited the Macao Port transfer facility with the representatives of various trucking industry associations and goods vehicle drivers associations, with a view to enabling the trade to understand more about the Macao Port transfer facility as well as the operational procedures for Hong Kong goods vehicles travelling to Macao.
The governments of Hong Kong and Macao will continue to work closely to further promote the logistics business development as well as economic and trade exchanges, thereby facilitating exchange between the two places and maximising the function of the HZMB.

The full text in Chinese, can be found at:

