Notice on Issuing the Lists of Recognised Overseas Professional Qualifications in Nansha District, Guangzhou

Source: Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Nansha District, Guangzhou Municipality 

In order to further promote the facilitation of employment for overseas talents in Nansha District, build a talent attraction, aggregation, and utilisation mechanism with international competitiveness, and help create a world-class business environment, the Nansha district has formulated the "List of Recognised Overseas Professional Qualifications in Nansha District, Guangzhou" and the "List of Highly Skilled and Scarce Overseas Professional Qualifications in Nansha District, Guangzhou", supporting and encouraging professionals who hold qualifications within the lists to start businesses or seek employment in Nansha. 

Individuals who hold overseas professional qualification certificates within the lists and start businesses in Nansha District or establish labour relations or service relations with employers in Nansha District could enjoy the following facilitation services

A.    For professionals under the "List of Recognised Overseas Professional Qualifications in Nansha District, Guangzhou":

i.    To be recognised for the overseas work experience as domestic work experience (except as otherwise provided by the state)

ii.    To be incorporated in the talent service guarantee system of Nansha District, enjoy the green channel for talent introduction and settlement, and receive talent rewards up to a maximum of 10 million RMB. For those who are recognised as high-level talents in Nansha District could receive talent rewards up to a maximum of 100 million RMB

iii.    Engineering and technical professionals who have obtained international engineer certificates can apply directly for a higher-level professional title without step-by-step application 

[For foreign professional] 

iv.    Enjoy "one-stop green channel” services for obtaining work permits and visas to work in China

v.    Apply for permanent residence in China according to relevant policies and enjoy dedicated and convenient services at the Nansha branch of the Guangzhou Immigration Affairs Service Centre.

[For foreign and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan professional] 

vi.    Apply for Guangzhou's small and medium-sized vehicle increment quotas with the same treatment as Guangzhou residents

vii.    Employers who purchase commercial medical insurance for the professionals will be given special subsidies

viii.    Enjoy convenient foreign exchange services when handling salary payment and other related businesses

B.    For professionals under the  "List of Highly Skilled and Scarce Overseas Professional Qualifications in Nansha District, Guangzhou" can enjoy the following additional facilitation services:

i.    Correspond to the relevant senior professional titles and be used as an important evaluation reference when applying for talent selection projects and talent rewards

ii.    Apply for the Guangzhou talent green card and enjoy the same treatment as Guangzhou residents

iii.    Apply for the “Nansha Talent A card” and a dedicated talent steward, and enjoy services such as talent settlement, children's enrolment, spouse employment, parent care, and family medical care

Strengthen departmental coordination and system integration, and relax some professional practice restrictions
Promote relevant industry management departments to optimise mechanisms for innovation and entrepreneurship, talent selection and cultivation, evaluation and incentives. Introduce supporting recognition regulations and practice methods to allow professionals who hold overseas professional qualifications in medicine, engineering, law, taxation, accounting, tour guides, and other fields on the list to practice in Nansha District according to the relevant industry practice methods and provide professional services.

Encourage employers to widely attract overseas talents
Support employers to optimise overseas talent attraction mechanisms, and provide accurate services and support for talent innovation and entrepreneurship. Encourage employers to establish professional technical positions such as chief scientists and chief technology officers, and provide competitive salary treatment for talents who are good at solving complex problems and have outstanding technological innovation capabilities; and broaden promotion channels.

Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism
Timely adjust and improve the lists, track the issuance status, membership level, and professional competence of overseas professional qualifications on the lists, and timely withdraw overseas professional qualifications that do not meet the requirements. Expand the coverage of recognised overseas professional qualification certificates, establish channels for applying for new projects, and include more internationally recognised and urgently needed overseas professional qualifications in the lists to attract and cultivate key professional talents in important fields.

Disclaimer: This document has been translated into English.  If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. The full text of the measures, in Chinese, can be found below:

