Notice of the General Office of the Working Committee and Administrative Committee of the Communist Party of Daya Bay Development Zone of Huizhou Municipality on Issuing the “Various Measures for Accelerating High-quality Industrial Development in the Daya Bay Development Zone (Interim)”

On 8 February 2024, the General Office of the Working Committee and Administrative Committee of the Communist Party of Daya Bay Development Zone of Huizhou Municipality issued the “Various Measures for Accelerating High-quality Industrial Development in the Daya Bay Development Zone (Interim)” (“the Measures”). The Measures proposed to attach scientific and technological enterprises. Regarding High and new technology enterprises (“HNTE”) that relocate to Daya Bay within the validity period of their HNTE certificate, the Measures will provide a lump-sum reward of RMB 200,000 to enterprises falling below the designated scale or a lump-sum reward of RMB 300,000 to enterprises exceeding the designated scale. The Measures will be implemented from 14 March 2024.

Related Link
Notice of the General Office of the Working Committee and Administrative Committee of the Communist Party of Daya Bay Development Zone of Huizhou Municipality on Issuing the “Various Measures for Accelerating High-quality Industrial Development in the Daya Bay Development Zone (Interim)” (Hui Wan Guan Han [2024] No.3) (in Chinese only)

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