Notice of the People's Government of Longhua District of Shenzhen Municipality on Issuing the “Measures on Supporting the High-quality Development of High-end Medical Device Industry Cluster in Longhua District”

On 1 February 2024, the People's Government of Longhua District of Shenzhen Municipality issued the “Measures on Supporting the High-quality Development of High-end Medical Device Industry Cluster in Longhua District” (“the Measures”). The Measures proposed to attract key enterprises and introduce key high-end medical device enterprises with high visibility and strong driving force into Shenzhen Municipality. In addition, the Measures aimed to provide one-off settlement incentives to the Fortune Global 500 companies published by Fortune magazine in U.S, enterprises listed onshore or offshore and champion companies from specific industry etc. The Measures shall come into force from 1 February 2024 and will be valid for 3 years.

Related Link
Notice of the People's Government of Longhua District of Shenzhen Municipality on Issuing the “Measures on Supporting the High-quality Development of High-end Medical Device Industry Cluster in Longhua District” (Shen Long Hua Fu Gui [2024] No.1) (in Chinese only)

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